Sediqa Amed Schuyler
Founder / Coach
Sediqa Amed is passionately interested in transformation, psychology, and neuroscience. Her background in Nuclear Medicine Technology, molecular science, energetic medicine, neurolinguistic programming, and leadership grounds her work as a transformational leader.
Using neuroscience integrated with psychology, Sediqa can instruct as well as coach individuals ways of achieving ultimate fulfillment, self-realization, connection, love, and success!
Therefore, Sediqa’s coaching techniques are founded on the principles that: every individual can successfully fulfill their needs by re-wiring the brain with simple changes made in our psychology. Creating as well as sustaining functional healthy habits of exercising our mind and body, will guarantee ultimate positive results in all areas of your lives!
Education background:
- Bachelors of Science: Concentration in Molecular and Cell Biology (California State University, Fullerton)
- Nuclear Medicine Technologist Program: Harbor UCLA
- Tony Robbins Leadership Academy
- Life Coaching Institute of Orange County